The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of the University of Jember organized a mentoring activity for writing articles in Scopus or WOS indexed journals. The activity entitled “PUBLICATION IMPROVEMENT OF FISIP UNIVERSITY OF JEMBER DOSEN IN SCOPUS INDEXED INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS OR WEB OF SCIENCE (WOS)” as the inaugural activity is expected to increase the productivity of Scopus articles for FISIP lecturers at Jember University.

The series of activities that took place for 3 days, starting on May 29-31, 2024 at the Jubung Campus, University of Jember, were in accordance with the following aspects, namely:

  1. That this training activity is a follow-up to the ranking results that have been carried out by LP2M University of Jember which shows FISIP and FASILKOM are at the bottom of the list for lecturers who have Scopus IDs and write articles in Scopus indexed journals;
  2. The number of articles in Scopus indexed international journals targeted to FISIP University of Jember this year reached approximately 51 documents;
  3. There is an imbalance in the number of Scopus documents which reaches 111 documents from 78 lecturers of FISIP Jember University, namely 61 Scopus documents come from the International Relations Study Program, while as many as 49 Scopus documents are divided into 8 other study programs;
  4. Our initial hypothesis is that weak productivity is influenced by a lack of understanding in writing articles in Scopus indexed international journals, estimating the need for large costs from the writing process to submission, impatience in writing articles and revisions, lack of information on reputable journals and discontinued journals, and various other problems;

On this occasion, the number of lecturers involved in this training activity reached approximately 30 people, with the number of articles reaching 35 articles. While the number of facilitators in this activity reached 11 people, consisting of 6 internal FISIP facilitators and 4 LP2M University of Jember facilitators.

The process of assisting in writing Scopus indexed articles, starts at 8 am to 9 pm. This is a tangible form of the seriousness of FISIP University of Jember in an effort to increase scientific publications. This activity is a positive first step in building a paradigm of writing Scopus indexed articles for the Academic Community of FISIP University of Jember.

In accordance with the results of the initial coordination meeting with the facilitators, that this mentoring activity will continue informally by each companion until the article is published in a Scopus indexed journal. With a time line to submit to Scopus indexed journals in September 2024.

It is hoped that this activity can become a momentum for all FISIP lecturers to empathize with each other, take concrete actions, share knowledge with colleagues, increase friendship, intensify communication, support each other and create a spirit of mutual cooperation in publications, in realizing our beloved FISIP TERKEMUKA.

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