The Senate of Jember University Commission II for Research, Community Service, and Innovation, together with the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of Jember University, held a coordination meeting to evaluate the implementation of the end-of-semester supervision for the odd semester of the 2024/2025 academic year. The main focus of this meeting was to discuss the development of Human Resources (HR) in the fields of research, community service, and innovation towards a World Class University (WCU) at the faculty level.
In the meeting, both parties discussed various achievements that had been achieved during the odd semester. This included an increase in the number of lecturers’ scientific publications, the implementation of community service programs, and new innovations produced by the FISIP academic community. In addition, the obstacles faced and solutions to improve performance in the fields of research and service were also discussed.
One important point of concern was the effort to improve the quality of lecturer research. Various strategies and coaching programs have been developed to support lecturers in producing quality scientific works that are competitive at the international level. In addition, the importance of collaboration between lecturers and students in research activities to improve students’ capacity in conducting research was also discussed.
The Dean of FISIP Jember University, Suyani Indriastuti, S.Sos., M.Si., Ph.D., expressed her appreciation for the good cooperation with the Senate Commission II. “This collaboration is very important to encourage the improvement of the quality of research and service within FISIP. We are committed to continuing to develop human resources in this field so that FISIP can contribute more to realizing the vision of Jember University as a World Class University,” she said.
The results of this coordination meeting are expected to become a reference in preparing further work programs to improve the quality of research, community service, and innovation at FISIP Jember University. Thus, FISIP can contribute more to the development of science and provide benefits to the community.