May 15, 2024, in the Hall of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of the University of Jember, a socialization activity organized by the Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling Task Force (PPKS) of the University of Jember took place. This activity was attended by various parties including the Dean of FISIP, Dr. Djoko Poernomo, M.Si., CIQnR., CSBA, and Vice Dean III FISIP, Dr. Edy Wahyudi, S.Sos., M.M., as well as educators and students.

The event was opened with remarks from Dr. Djoko Poernomo, who emphasized the faculty’s commitment to preventing all forms of sexual violence. In his remarks, Dr. Djoko stated that it is important for every element in higher education to jointly strive so that sexual violence does not occur, both in FISIP and in all universities in Indonesia. He emphasized, “We must strive for all forms of violence not to occur, especially at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Jember and in all universities in Indonesia.”

After the opening remarks, Dr. Rokhani, S.P., M.Si. delivered the main material about 21 forms of sexual violence and the results of the survey conducted by the Task Force team. In his presentation, Dr. Rokhani explained that this was the second day of gradual socialization conducted in several faculties at the University of Jember, including the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Agriculture. This socialization involved 15 members of the Task Force who were divided into three teams to answer the questions.