FISIP, University of Jember Celebrates the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW
The Participants
Gus Zainal
FISIP, University of Jember Celebrates the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW
UKMKI SIKLUS as an Islamic organization held a Maulid Echo event with the theme “Building Love for the Role Model in the Era of Modernization”. This event was held on Saturday, (14/10/23) attended by all FISIP residents. This event was held with the aim of celebrating the birth of the prophet Muhammad as a form of love for the prophet. The event was enlivened by the appearance of the winner of the Basic Islami competition (tartil branch, sholawat cover), and the SIKLUS Hadrah Team.
Joko Mulyono as Vice Dean II FISIP UNEJ in his speech said “FISIP is now echoing, bersholawat for the role model, hopefully providing blessings and goodness not only in this room but throughout FISIP”.
Gus Zainal as mabligh conveyed a lot of knowledge related to giving love to the prophet and dispensation from the prophet. “Maulid Nabi is to express the joy of the birth of the prophet as the guide of the people. If the birthday of one’s own child is celebrated with great fanfare, then the birthday of the prophet who is the helper of the people can be celebrated, of course on the basis of great love for the prophet.”
Dispensation for anyone who loves the prophet “Abu Lahab with all his crimes was given relief from the punishment of hell every Monday because he rejoiced in the birth of the prophet, may we who are present in this assembly with good intentions to pray to the prophet get a lot of intercession from the great prophet Muhammad SAW.”
The Maulid echo went smoothly, with participants following the event from start to finish. The event ended according to the previously predicted time. “Thank you to the entire committee, and the sponsors who have helped make this event a success, so that the event is given smoothness from start to finish without any obstacles,” said Safira, the field coordinator.