FISIP Universitas Jember held FISIP Empowering Day 2024 with the theme ‘Nurturing Creative Minds for Economic Success 2024’ on May 21, 2024 at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Hall. FED 2024 activities were held for two days. On the first day (21/05/2024), a “Business Plan and Business Analyst” seminar was held, attended by students from various FISIP study programs and supported by PT Djarum Official.

FISIP Empowering Day 2024 (FED) aims to increase students’ understanding of business in the era of Industry 5.0 which is based on technology and digital. The event also provides opportunities for local MSMEs to market their creative products, as well as encourage innovative ideas that support business growth.

The event opened with the Indonesia Raya song and remarks from the Dean of FISIP, Dr. Djoko Poernomo, M.Si., CIQnR, CSBA, who stated,

“I interpret FISIP Empowering Day 2024 as an effort to empower everyone. The expression of this theme is realized through today’s seminar, followed by a singing competition, dancing, and the culmination is an extraordinary musical performance tomorrow. I would like to thank the students for taking a theme that is relevant to the commemoration of Labor Day a few days ago.”

Committee Chairman, Ananda Dimas Bagus Dwi Putra, added that the purpose of this activity is to innovate and develop Business Plan and Business Analyst. Vice Dean III, Dr. Edy Wahyudi, S.Sos., M.M., expressed his gratitude to PT Djarum Official for its support for activities at the university so far.

The first seminar material was hosted by Anabila Humairoh, delivered by Alifian Rizzalul Ahmad, S.A.B., M.Si., lecturer of STIAP Jember, who discussed market analysis, competitive, SWOT, business plan, and financial plan. Alifian also highlighted the importance of market understanding and marketing strategies for business success. Alifian is an alumnus of S1 to S2 University of Jember in Administrative Sciences.

The material was continued by Mr. Chairul Saleh, S.E., M.Si., lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, explaining the role of business analysis, strategies for developing effective business plans, as well as start-up target markets and competitors. Both provided valuable insights for participants in developing their business.

Ananda Dimas also explained that the committee selection was carried out by the Dean of the Faculty of Student Affairs, consisting of 22 committees from various study programs, plus 7 students for security.

“I think the material content is very good. However, mobilizing the masses on active days is quite difficult,” he said.

The collaboration with PT Djarum Official has been going on every year and he hopes this inaugural FED event can continue in the following years. Ananda Dimas also thanked the main sponsors, PT Djarum Official and Angkasa Photobooth who helped make this event a success.