The Vice Rector for Finance and General Affairs of Universitas Jember, Prof. Dr. drg. Sri Hernawati, M.Kes, accompanied by her team, conducted a working visit to the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of Universitas Jember. This visit aimed to strengthen the development of integrity through the enhancement of discipline among Civil Servant (ASN) employees within FISIP.
During her visit, the Vice Rector emphasized the importance of realizing Good University Governance within Universitas Jember. One of the efforts that need to be undertaken is to strengthen the integrity system and enhance the discipline of ASN employees. “Enforcing employee discipline is one of the keys to creating a clean and serving work environment,” said Prof. Sri Hernawati.
Furthermore, she also conveyed that the development of adequate facilities and infrastructure is one of the supporting factors for the realization of Good University Governance. With good facilities, it is expected to improve employee performance and productivity, as well as provide optimal services to students and the community.
The Dean of FISIP Universitas Jember, Suyani Indriastuti, S.Sos., M.Si., Ph.D., welcomed the Vice Rector’s visit. “This visit is very beneficial for us to know firsthand the direction and support from the university leadership regarding efforts to improve the integrity and discipline of employees. We are committed to continuously improving and enhancing the performance of FISIP,” she said.
Through this visit, it is hoped that it can further strengthen the synergy between the university leadership and the faculty in realizing the vision and mission of Universitas Jember as an excellent and integrity-based higher education institution.