Research and Community Service Group (KeRis-DiMas) of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Jember
Kesejahteraan dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (Wellfare and Sustainable)
- Coordinator : Budhy Santoso, S.Sos., M.Si., Ph.D. ( NIP. 197012131997021001 Department of Science Social welfare)
- Member :
- Belgis Hayyinatun Nufus, S.Sos., M.Kesos. ( NIP. 198904232018032001 Department of Science Social welfare)
- Atik Rahmawati, S.Sos., M.Kesos. ( NIP. 197802142005012002 Department of Science Social welfare)
Komunikasi, Globalisasi, Media dan Politik (SIGAP)
- Coordinator : Fuat Albayumi, S.IP.,M.A. (NIP : 197404242005011002 Department of International Relations)
- Member:
Pusat Analisa dan Kajian Bencana
- Coordinator : Drs. Joko Mulyono, M.Si. (NIP. 196406201990031001 Sociologyi)
- Member :
- Lukman Wijaya Baratha, S.Sos., M.A. (NRP. 760016803 Sociologyi)
- Jati Arifiyanti, S.Sosio., M.A. (NRP. 760013592 Sociologyi