On September 15, 1961, the Tawang Alun Foundation established the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, so that from that time onwards Tawang Alun University had three faculties, namely: (1) the Faculty of Law, (2) the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, and (3) the Faculty of Education.

Tawang Alun Foundation
On September 15, 1961, the Tawang Alun Foundation established the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, so that from that time onwards Tawang Alun University had three faculties, namely: (1) the Faculty of Law, (2) the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, and (3) the Faculty of Education. The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences is actually a form of the Faculty of State and Corporate Administration, which has been running for a year at the University of Tawang Alun. At that time, the study program was the study program of public administration. The condition of the teaching staff at that time was still lacking. To overcome this, most of the teaching staff were brought in from outside the city, for example, from Malang and Surabaya as extraordinary lecturers, in addition to recruiting graduates who were willing to become permanent lecturers.
Boards and Commissions
In the 1962/1963 academic year, a new study program was opened, namely, the International Relations study program, with most of the teaching staff brought in from the Social and Political Faculty of Gajah Mada University, Jogjakarta. For the first time, the leadership of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences was held by Drs. Soepardi Soerjohartono as Dean and Secretary Drs. Suparman Hadi. Then, based on the Decree of the Minister of PTIP No. 1 of 1963 dated January 5, 1963, Tawang Alun University and Malang Brawijaya University were nationalized under the name of Brawijaya University. The Social and Political Faculty of Tawang Alun University thus became the Social and Political Faculty of Brawijaya University, which is based in Jember. During this period, the faculty was led by Drs. R. Soesilo as dean and Soenarko, SH, as secretary.
City Manager
When the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences was still within the confines of Universitas Brawijaya, an agreement was made between the Chancellor of Universitas Brawijaya (Mr. Dul Arnowo) and the Military Commander VIII Brawijaya, dated July 30, 1964. The contents of the agreement stated that the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences was given the task of upgrading the employees, both military and civilian, in the Jember area. To carry out this goal, the Dana Karya Department was established with student employees.
The agreement is a realization of the letter from the Minister of the Army Commander to Pangdam VIII Brawijaya No.3/201/1963 regarding the holding of lectures in the afternoon and a letter from the Department of the Army to Pangdam VIII No.3/364/1964 dated March 4, 1964 concerning cooperation agreements between Kodam VIII Brawijaya and Universitas Brawijaya. Along with the inauguration of the Jember Branch of Brawijaya University to become Djember State University on November 10, 1964, the Fund for Work Study Program at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences was also inaugurated, which later changed to the Study Program of Business Administration. On that basis, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences has three study programs, namely: (1) the Study Program of Public Administration; (2) the Study Program of International Relations; and (3) the Study Program of Business Administration. There are provisions for changes in the structure of higher education leadership, so the Faculty of Social and Political Affairs adjusts the leadership pattern as follows:
- Dean: Drs. R. Soesilo;
- Vice Dean I: Drs. Achmad Khusyairi;
- Vice Dean II: Drs. Toekidjan Prawirosoedirdjo;
- Vice Dean III: Drs. I. Gede Widja
City Departments
Since Djember State University became an independent university (based on PTIP Ministerial Decree No. 151 of 1964, dated November 9, 1964), the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences has increased its activities. The increase in the volume of activities includes not only improving education and teaching but also research and community service activities. On January 1, 1966, Dr. R. Soesilo resigned as Dean; temporarily, the Faculty of Social and Political Affairs was under the leadership of a Presidium consisting of three people, namely:
- Achmad Khusyairi;
- Toekidjan Prawirosoedirdjo;
- Soenarko, SH.
This Presidium period ended in July 1966, and then the composition of the leadership of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, State University of Djember, became as follows:
- Dean: Prof. Mr. KRMTD Tirtodiningrat, SH;
- Vice Dean I: Drs. Achmad Khusyairi;
- Vice Dean II: Drs. Toekidjan Prawirosoedirdjo;
- Vice Dean III: Drs. I. Gede Widja
In early 1968, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences began to produce new scholars, especially the Study Program of State Administration, which is the oldest study program in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. With the birth of new graduates, the shortage of teaching staff can be overcome because some of these graduates become permanent lecturers.
Since October 1, 1968, Prof. Mr. KRMTD Tirtodiningrat, SH, as the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, has handed over daily duties and authorities to the Assistant Dean I, who acts as the Dean’s Attorney. On May 20, 1969, a Faculty Senate Meeting was held to elect the Dean as a replacement for Prof. Mr. KRMTD. Tirtodiningrat SH and Drs. Achmad Khusyairi as Dean. In detail, the composition of the leadership of the Faculty of Social and Political Affairs (ratified by the Chancellor’s Decree No. 063/BUP-I/Uned/-70 dated November 2, 1970) is as follows:
- Dean: Drs. Achmad Khusyairi;
- Vice Dean I: Drs. Toekidjan PS;
- Vice Dean II: Drs. Achmad Satar;
- Vice Dean III: Drs. M. Iljas Bakri
After going through a long journey with various dynamics, the leadership composition of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Jember, in the next period is as follows:
Jember University Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Leaders from 1972 to 1974
- Dean: Drs. Akhmad Khusyairi;
- Vice Dean I: Drs. Toekidjan Prawirosoedirdjo;
- Vice Dean II: Drs. Akhmad Satar;
- Vice Dean III: Drs. Sandjaya
Jember University Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Leaders from 1974 to 1976
- Dean: Drs. Toekidjan Prawirosoedirdjo;
- Secretary: Drs. Sandjaya
Jember University Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Leaders from 1976 to 1979
- Dean: Drs. Akhmad Khusyairi;
- Vice Dean I: Drs. Sandjaya;
- Vice Dean II: Drs. Soenarjo Danuwasito;
- Vice Dean III: Drs. R. Panji Seputro
Jember University Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Leaders from 1979 to 1982
- Dean: Drs. Sandjaya;
- Vice Dean I: Drs. Umaidi Radi;
- Vice Dean II: Drs. Soenarjo Danuwasito;
- Vice Dean III: Drs. Krebet Bb. Budyantoro DS;
- subsequently replaced by Tjitjiek Soedhiarso, SH.
Jember University Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Leaders from 1982 to 1985
- Dean: Drs. Sandjaya;
- Vice Dean I: Drs. Barman;
- Vice Dean II: Drs. Soenarjo Amnan;
- Vice Dean III: Tjitjiek Sedhiarso, SH
Jember University Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Leaders from 1985 to s.d. 1988
- Dean: Drs. Achmad Satar;
- Vice Dean I: Drs. Barman;
- Vice Dean II: Drs. Soeranto Soerantomo;
- Vice Dean III: Drs. R. Pandji Sepoetro
Jember University Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Leaders from 1988 to 1991
- Dean: Drs. Soenarjo Danuwasito;
- Vice Dean I: Drs. Asrial Aziz;
- Vice Dean II: Drs. Barman;
- Vice Dean III: Drs. Moch. Toerki
Jember University Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Leaders from 1991 to 1994
- Dean: Drs. Soenarjo Danuwasito;
- Vice Dean I: Drs. Nurudin M. Yasin;
- Vice Dean II: Drs. Sjoekron Sjah, SU;
- Vice Dean III: Drs. Soeranto Soerantomo
Jember University Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Leaders from 1994 to 1997
- Dean: Prof. Drs. Barman;
- Vice Dean I: Drs. Asrial Aziz;
- Vice Dean II: Drs. Hendro Muljono;
- Vice Dean III: Drs. Humaidi, SU
During the leadership period from 1994 to 1997, a new program was established, namely the Diploma III Program in Taxation. This diploma program was established thanks to the collaboration between the Directorate General of Taxes, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, and the University of Jember on January 20, 1996, at the University of Jember campus. This diploma program began accepting new students for the first time for the 1996–1997 academic year.
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Leaders 1997/1998 s.d. 2000/2001
- Dean: Prof. Drs. Barman;
- Vice Dean I: Drs. Umaidi Radi, MA;
- Vice Dean II: Drs. Matnur Haryono;
- Vice Dean III: Drs. Hendro Muljono
In the leadership period of 1997–1998 and 2000–2001, a new program was established, namely the Tourism Diploma III Program, which was the second diploma program at FISIP University of Jember. This program was established based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Depdikbud RI Number: 175/Dikti/Kep/1998, dated June 5, 1998, concerning the Establishment of a Diploma III Study Program in Tourism at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Jember, and began accepting new students for the first time. academic year 1998-1999.
The accreditation of the Business Administration Study Program with an A grade and in line with the demands of the community’s needs prompted FISIP Jember University to open an Extension Program. In line with this, starting from the 1999/2000 academic year, based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Number 152/DIKTI/Kep/1999 dated April 19, 1999, the Extension Business Administration Study Program was opened and began accepting new students for the first time. In line with the demands for the quality of human resources in preparation for regional autonomy, the University of Jember cooperates with the State Personnel Agency as stated in the Collaboration Papers numbers 7553/J25/PP9/2000 and 03/JI/XII/2001. FISIP University of Jember opened the Undergraduate Program (Bachelor) Science of Public Administration (Karyasiswa). This program is specifically open to civil servants (PNS) who are interested in increasing their abilities in accordance with the demands of regional needs and development. In subsequent developments, this study program did not only accept new students from PNS circles but also from non-PNS (general) circles until the 2008/2009 academic year. In the 2009–2010 academic year, the Extension Program changed to the afternoon Regular Program.
Thoughts and efforts to organize institutions based on statutory regulations, especially PP 60 of 1999 concerning higher education, continue to be pursued. In line with that, based on the Decree of the Chancellor of the University of Jember Number: 2340/J25/PP.9/2001 concerning the Determination of the Structure of the Diploma III Program in Taxation and the Diploma III Program in Tourism Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University of Jember, the structure is under the Department of Administrative Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University of Jember. Jember University’s Faculty of Social and Political Sciences continues to try to add study programs to meet the demands of the community. Efforts in this direction continue to be made by opening a sociology study program based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 341/DIKTI/Kep/2000 concerning the Establishment of the Bachelor of Sociology Study Program at the University of Jember.
The leadership of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences for the period 2000/2001 s.d. 2004/2005:
- Dean: Drs. Moch. Toerki;
- Vice Dean I: Drs. Agus Budihardjo, MA;
- Vice Dean II: Drs. Radlia Kemal Widjadi, SU;
- Vice Dean III: Drs. Fadholi Said, SU
In connection with the election of Drs. Agus Budihardjo, MA, as Vice Rector II, the position of Assistant Dean I is held by Drs. Djoko Poernomo, M.Si, for eight months (November 2004 to June 15, 2005). Furthermore, with the end of the tenure of the FISIP leadership at the University of Jember, new leaders from 2005/2006 to 2009/2010 have been appointed as follows:
- Dean: Dr. Uung Nasdia, B.Sw., MS;
- Vice Dean I: Drs. Djoko Poernomo, M.Si;
- Vice Dean II: Drs. M. Affandi, MA;
- Vice Dean III: Drs. Hartono Djulianto, M.Si;
In the leadership era of the period 2005–2006–2009–2010, the Business Administration Study Program, State Administration Science, and International Relations Study Program/Department were accredited with an A grade, while the Social Welfare Science Department was accredited with a B grade and the Sociology Study Program was accredited with a C grade. For the DIII Program, both taxation and tourism businesses are still in the process of accreditation.
In the 2009/2010 academic year, there was a change in leadership at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Jember, with terms of service until 2013/2014 as follows:
- Dean: Prof. Dr. Harry Yuswadi, M.A.
- Vice Dean I: Drs. Himawan Bayu Patriadi, MA.Ph.D.
- Vice Dean II: Drs. Rudy Eko Pramono, M.Sc.
- Vice Dean III: Drs. Sutrisno, M.Sc.
In the 2016/2017 academic year, there was a change in leadership at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Jember with a term of service until the 2020/2021 academic year as follows:
- Dean: Dr. Ardiyanto, M.Sc.
- Deputy Dean I: Dr. Hadi Prayitno, M. Kes
- Deputy Dean II: Dr. Nur Dyah Gianawati, M.A.
- Deputy Dean III: Dr. Anastasia Murdyastuti, M.Sc.

Faculty Of Social and Political Science
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